Fully coded and localized focus trees, events, custom decisions and national spiritsĪ: I, personally started to work on this mod about 2.5 years ago - some time before the first Rimmy & ISP videos.Early-game scripted events, and a shift to a player freedom from mid to late game.Economy system done via scripted decisions with national spirits.5 small-scale focus trees (Wallonia, Guiana, Vietnam, He-Long's Soviet, Ireland).14 large-scale focus trees (Italy, Germany, France, Iberia, Poland, Russia, SSR, Kievan Rus, United Kingdom, United Federation, Austria, Turkey, Denmark-Norway and Netherlands).A completely reworked map with the point of divergence dating back to Napoleonic Wars, allowing us to create an alternate history timeline with many more possibilities.Please check our discord, should you have any questions or suggestions, as they would only be welcome. Our developer team has worked hard on a complete rework, and bringing you a better mod. This is the official reboot of the original Rise of Italia mod.