If your browser asks you if you wish to Save or Run the file, select Save. If you are logged in as a Guest or Standard User, Windows will not permit you to install the driver.ĭownload the latest NVIDIA display driver from the NVIDIA Download Drivers page. Verify you are logged in with an account that has Administrative Privilege. If you have an anti-virus program or other system monitoring utility running in the background, please disable these temporarily as they may interfere with the installation of your display driver. Once you have verified your graphics card is compatible with the driver you have downloaded, please close all open programs. Verify the driver you download supports your product by viewing the 'Supported Products' tab in the driver download section of the driver you select as shown in the example screenshot below: Geforce Desktop PC graphics cards, Geforce notebook PC graphics cards, and Quadro Professional graphics cards each use a different driver. Note: Before proceeding with the installation, verify the driver you downloaded supports your graphics card.